“Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph.” — H.I.M. Haile Selassie I

”You see things; and you say ‘why?’ But I dream things that never were and I say ‘why not?’ “. Luigi Pirandello

“You progress not through improving what has been done, but reaching toward what has yet to be done.” Kahlil Gibran

“You never conquer a mountain. Mountains can’t be conquered you conquer yourself–your hopes, your fears.” Jim Whitaker

You don’t need a title to be a leader. –Multiple Attributions

A leader is a dealer in hope. —Napoleon Bonaparte

Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others. —Jack Welch

Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way. — General George Patton

Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. —Warren Bennis

The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant. —Max DePree

You manage things; you lead people. —Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper

I must follow the people. Am I not their leader? —Benjamin Disraeli

Where there is no vision, the people perish. —Proverbs 29:18

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. —Lao Tzu

Never regret something that made you smile

Remember the past, plan for the future, but live for today, because yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.

What seems like the right thing to do could also be the hardest thing you have ever done in your life.

I think that the only reason people hold onto memories so tight is because memories are the only things that dont change; when everybody else does.

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.

love in Dutch is beminnen, houden van, liefhebben
love in Finnish is rakastaa
love in French is aimez, aiment, aimer, aimons, amour
love in German is Liebe, Liebe, lieben, lieben
love in Hungarian is semmi (teniszben), szerelem, szeretet
love in Italian is amore, amare
love in Latin is amor, diligo
love in Portuguese is amor
love in Spanish is amor, amar, cari o

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.
Vince Lombardi

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.
Abraham Lincoln

I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.
Michael Jordan

I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
Bill Cosby

How can you use little motivational steps to turn around hopelessness?  First let’s look at what causes us to fall into hopelessness.  We have our goal but it looks so huge!  Lose 50 pounds in three months, save $10,000 in one year or turn your relationship with your teenager around.  They are large goals, lofty and worthwhile, but huge steps, which need a tremendous amount of commitment. 

Let’s look at the problem of weight loss.  Spring is on its way and I intend to be able to wear the clothes I wore last year.  That means I need to lose X amount of weight and couple that with a doable exercise program for me.  I hate to exercise; there, I’ve said it.  I don’t have the time or the inclination to go to an aerobics class, gym, or health club.  I haven’t found any motivation that has made me change my mind.  So, instead of following into hopelessness or despair, how can I turn that around?  Here are some tips to help you take little steps towards your goal and turning hopelessness around.

Remember to make small goals that you can reasonably expect to reach.  Weight loss experts recommend setting a goal of losing 1-2 pounds a week.  This is healthier for your body and helps you create a timeline for losing the weight you are hoping to lose.  Let’s say you have three months to that long awaited cruise.  That gives you 12 weeks to alter your eating habits and start an exercise program. 

You can start out with a simple walk around the block and cutting out the sweets in your diet.  Don’t be discouraged if you miss a day of walking, or you cave in and have that favorite dessert when you go out to eat.  Give yourself some room to make mistakes.  That’s why it’s more sensible to plan to lose 1-2 pounds a week, than a large goal that looks impossible to reach.  Setting a goal of eight pounds in a month just looks and feels more practical and it is!  

Saving money is a big goal whether you’re saving for retirement or to send your children to college.  Maybe you’re saving for a special vacation or to celebrate a special anniversary in a big way.  The important fact to remember is savings can start with the first quarter you put in a jar.  You don’t have to open a CD or start a savings account with a huge amount of money.  Start small; put all of your change in a jar at the end of the day. 

By doing this, my husband and I have always had a tidy sum to spend on our annual vacation.  One year, we were unable to go on vacation so we used our coins as a Christmas fund.  We started small and have now learned to discipline our habits to put a certain amount of money into a savings account at the bank.  This is our emergency fund, and it has come in handy a few times.

Here’s a big goal.  Turning around a relationship with a family member, teenager, or spouse.  More than likely, this relationship has suffered for a longtime.  You know that it will be an enormous task to turn it back into a positive relationship.  It can look hopeless, but it doesn’t have to be.  Small steps that are obtainable will keep you from falling into total despair and giving up on the relationship.  You can’t reasonably expect to say one day “I’m going to have a new open relationship with my teenager” when you haven’t been communicating with each other at all.  Start with a small step, like listening to their ideas or thoughts. 

Listen!  Think before you speak and control your emotions.  My son had the annoying habit of lowering his voice the longer I talked to him, the result was, I was shouting by the end of the conversation.  He would then look at me and ask, “Mom why are you yelling at me?”  Bingo, he had pushed the right button and he knew it.  When I learned to keep my voice even and not raise the volume, we were able to communicate in a more meaningful way.  Small steps can lead to larger ones. 

If your teenage daughter is wearing clothes that you think are inappropriate, it’s going to do you no good to constantly nag at her.  Positive reinforcement can start out small changes.  You can compliment her on her hair and how nice it looks that day, or if she is wearing a nicer outfit than usual, use that as an opportunity to praise and give positive reinforcement.  Be sincere!  A teenager or anyone else who is on the defensive can always detect false statements.  I taught my kindergarten Sunday school class this:  If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.  I think that is true for many of our relationship situations.

So, don’t be discouraged, just look at smaller pieces of the big picture.  It will eventually come together and your goals can be reached.

There are times in everyone’s life where they will fail.  Even the most successful people in the world have troubled times. The difference between these people and the rest of the world is that when they failed, they used the experience to better themselves.  Anyone can turn a failed situation into a winning one, if they know how. 

Failure is not the end of the line for anyone.  When you don’t get that job promotion you wanted to when your business goes under, there are ways to turn your situation around. While you may want to cry and ponder upon the failure for a while, you should not do it for more than a day.  Allow yourself time to grieve a bit.  Tell yourself that you are allowed to wallow in your self-pity for the rest of the day.  Then tell yourself that in the morning you will push it aside and begin again.  Use these three tips to use your failure as a catalyst for success.

Motivation to Do Better

When you really screw something up, you may feel like you have ruined your life.  Students often feel this way when they bomb on a big test in college.  When these events occur, you should not let them determine your immediate course.  There is always room in life for improvement.  You should use your failure to help better yourself. 

When you turn failure into motivation to do better, you will find it can be easy to want to better your situation. If you need to do better in school, make a study schedule to follow.  If you need to do better at work, take classes to make you better qualified in your field.  No matter what the failed task consisted of, you can use it to motivate yourself to get more done. 

Redirection in Life

Sometimes we fail at things because they were not what we were meant to do.  If you have planned your whole life to go to medical school, but cannot get in, then you might want to think of it as a sign rather than a failure.  There are specific things that each person is meant to do in life.  When something does not work out as planned or even when you fail at something, it could be because you need to redirect your life. 

When you hit a brick wall and fail, try thinking about your life plan.  It may seem that a redirection is in order.  Use failure as an opportunity to look at your life in an evaluation manner and decide what you need to do to get back on track.  The track may be a different one, but it also may be a more successful one.

It Doesn’t Get Worse

When you know you have failed and feel like you have hit rock bottom you can always use the failure as motivation to climb back up.  Tell yourself that it does not get much worse than the point of failure and let yourself know that the only way to go is up from there.  Use the failure as motivation to climb to the top.  When you do this, you will see that instead of running from failure you will look it in the eye and overcome it.  Allow yourself to fail without ripping yourself apart. Everyone fails.  Just take it as the worst you have to offer and deal with it. 

If you have failed at something, it is very easy to ponder up on it for weeks, or even years.  When you do this, you will find that the failure can be more destructive than you ever thought possible.  When failure does occur, allow it to be destructive to your attitude and your life for only a short period of time. 

After that period passes, be sure you move past it without letting it swamp your entire life.  Your future should not be a product of your failure.  The past can be filled with failures as long as your future is dedicated to success.  So, use these three tips to help you take failure and turn it into success.  Once you learn how to do this, you will never be afraid to fail again!

Three Ways to Motivate in the Face of Disaster

There are times in life when you will be staring disaster right in the eye.  These are the times to either run away and tuck your head under a rock or use your situation as a motivational tool.  When you are working with a group of people, it is even more important for someone to step up when struck with a disaster and motivate the group to go on. 

This may occur in your workplace or even in your family life.  The motivator role is one that can be filled by different people at different times.  If you are overdue to take on the role, consider learning these three ways to motivate in the face of disaster, just in case the opportunity presents itself.  You will be ready to be the group motivator when you learn what to do beforehand. 

Be Confident

The most important thing you can do during a disaster to motivate people is to present yourself in a confident manner.  If you are at work and your team is about to lose a major deal for the company, just remain confident that everything will get done in time.  With you putting off that confident vibe, your other team members will be able to stress less and get more productive.  When they are working without the stress they will be able to accomplish more and you will likely meet that deadline.  If you stress out yourself, everyone will waste time worrying and not working.

If you are at home and have a natural weather disaster or a family crisis, you will need to motivate your family just as you motivate your co-workers.  Your family will need someone to be confident that no matter what happens, everything will work out.  If a fire damages your home, be confident that you will find another place to stay while the home is repaired. 

If you are faced with a family death, show how confident you are that healing will begin and everyone will be able to deal with the death eventually.  When disaster hits at home, it can be difficult to stay confident.  Even if you are not confident, just pretend to be so your family will be motivated to move on and heal.

Lead by Example

A great way to show people that motivation can help a situation that could be disastrous is to lead by example.  Show co-workers that even if you are having a work disaster that you will continue to do the best job you can. 

By voicing what needs to be done and by actually doing it yourself, you will be able to motivate them to do the same.  When a team is lead by example they are strong and more productive.  The same can be done at home. If your spouse has lost their job and you need to cut back on unnecessary spending, show your family you are dedicated to the task by not taking your weekly manicure. 

Turn Up the Positive Attitude

It is proven that people can be motivated when influenced by a positive attitude.  Ignoring the potential disaster is not a great idea. You can discuss it and be clear about what could happen if necessary.  However, after the discussion, you should put it aside and get on with life in a positive way.  Talk with positive dialogue and smile a lot. 

By showing that despite everything you will be positive, you will in turn influence those around you to be positive as well.  When you have a positive attitude you will accomplish more than others with a less than positive attitude.  Be sure not to overdo the positive attitude to the point where people don’t take you seriously however.  Practice adding just enough of a positive outlook to your normal attitude.

Use these three things when you are staring at disaster and want to motivate those around you.  You might be surprised to know that while you are trying to motivate those around you, you will be motivated yourself.  Concentrate on these three tips and remember to apply them in difficult situations.  Remember that there will still be people who need to worry or grieve in order to get through situations.  But, there will also be many people who are motivated by your confidence, leadership, and positive attitude. 

Parents may often wonder what could motivate their children to do better in school or around the home. Many parents turn to a reward system and use money as the main reward. There are a lot of discussions that talk about whether or not money should be used as a motivator. Some parents use money as a tool and believe it works.

Those who are against using money as a motivator argue that it does not work and only teaches kids to work for things that are materialistic. So does money work as a motivator and is it a successful tool?

There seems to be a lot of debate surrounding motivation and money with kids. Some say that if you pay someone to be motivated, you are telling that person that is it acceptable to do something only for money and not for their own personal benefit. Those who believe that money works say that because adults work for money and to make a living that it should be taught at an early age to work hard for pay. Most kids are interested in money and when a parent pays them money as a motivator it can encourage a child to learn about the value of a dollar and how to manage the money they earn.

Since every person is motivated by something different, money may not work for every child. Some people have motivation from within or intrinsically. These people do not often need rewards or encouragement to keep them motivated to complete or finish a task. They have the mind set to succeed.

Others are extrinsically motivated, or need outside forces to keep them interested in completing a chore or tasks. These are the people that need a lot of encouragement, rewards or praise in order to stay motivated to complete a task. Kids are no different and money may or may not work for all children.

Using money to motivate children can work if the parent chooses to do it as a lesson. You can teach your children about saving, giving and spending. Parents can also give money to their children and teach them about banking and saving their money. Before you decide to use money to get your child to make good grades or to keep their room clean, think about a system and stick to it each and every time.

Maybe think about giving a weekly allowance or taking away money for lower than expected grades. In addition, money is a great motivator when that is taken away as a punishment for not doing what is expected of them

In addition, using money as a motivator helps kids build up self-esteem when they can look and see the progress that they have made. Money is a great learning lesson and parents that use that as a reward can combine it with lessons that kids can use for a lifetime.

Those who feel that money should not be used as a motivator say that children should not be taught to work for materialistic things and that they should be taught to be motivated from within. They believe that parents should teach their children to feel successful without money and that money cannot teach them to be proud of their accomplishments. 

Parents who feel that money should not be used to motivate children also believe that children should learn to what their values are without money. They should learn that money does not define worth and that things like caring, giving and their work ethic are more important than what they can earn.

Parents that feel that money should not be used as a motivator may use other reward techniques. These techniques might include praise, encouragement and other forms of reward such as hanging a good paper on the wall, taking the child to dinner, or even taking the child to the movie.

While no one can say what will or will not work for your child, it is best that a parent understand what makes his or her child motivated. Money can work, but it can also motivate children to do things for the wrong reasons. Using money to motivate your child might best be used in addition with teaching your child about the rewards of being motivated by intrinsic reasons, such as pride.

Procrastination is a damaging habit.  It can keep otherwise successful people from accomplishing anything.  Everyone experiences procrastination now and then.  There are often events and tasks in our lives that we simply don’t want to begin.  Procrastination starts at an early age for many people.  Some children will procrastinate with school work or other chores until the last minute.  Often, this results in the child staying up all night to finish a report or other project. 

Procrastination is particularly bad because of two reasons.  The first reason is that it causes unnecessary stress.  When you procrastinate, you are placing extra stress on yourself.  You may stress over the task each day until it is complete. 

If you are one that can put it out of your head completely, you will still be under great amounts of stress when you actually do have to get started.  Something that you might have had two weeks to complete will seem completely overwhelming if you only give yourself 12 hours to complete it.

The second reason why procrastination is terrible is because it prevents you from doing your best work.  No matter what the task may be procrastination will cause you to rush through it.  If you wait until the last minute to get something done, you will be rushing to finish.  Instead of taking your time to do your best work, you will be focused on getting done instead of the quality of work.  If you want to stay more motivated and avoid procrastination, you should try these three tips.

Make a Schedule

Those people who tend to push things off until the last minute will really benefit from making a schedule.  When you have created a schedule that breaks up exactly what you have to do to complete the task on time, you will allow yourself a lot more breathing room throughout the task. 

By actually writing the schedule out, you will be more likely to follow it.  When you break down tasks that you are putting off, especially if they are large or time consuming, you will find it much easier to get started.  Often getting started is the most difficult aspect of it all.  Once you begin, you will likely sail right through.  A schedule will help you keep that motivation and get through the task.

Hold Yourself Accountable

When you notice you are procrastinating, you should always hold yourself accountable.  Tell yourself all of the reasons procrastination is harmful.  Note that when you don’t procrastinate that you are much more productive.  When you want to use others to help motivate you, you can tell them about your task and what you need to do. 

When you get off course, they can help you stay motivated by reminding you what needs to be done.  Telling others allows them to hold you accountable as well.  Just remember that when they do remind you of what you need to do, they are not nagging, just simply keeping you motivated. 

Reward Yourself

Sometimes the best motivation is a reward.  Tell yourself that until you get through the task you will not be able to watch television, take in a movie, or check your email.  This will help you get the motivation and desire to finish the task and make things roll along much more quickly.  These rewards are nice when you are done, but if you try to do them throughout the task, they will only distract you and take up much more of your time.  So, be sure to save the rewards until the end to get the most out of your time.

Remember that procrastination is something that can hold you back from better things. To avoid it, be sure you make a schedule, tell others and hold yourself accountable, and reward yourself for positive behavior.  When it comes to doing difficult tasks, no one wants to get started. 

There are often times in life where we must do things we don’t want to do.   It is during these times that procrastination creeps up slowly.  Recognize when it begins and know how to stomp it out before it takes over.  When you do this, you will find that your motivation is steady and that you can do anything you want to do!

People tend to be creatures of habit. We do not look forward to changes and usually changes in our lives or daily routines can upset our balance. Children are especially upset with changes in daily routine. Ever seen a two year old without an afternoon nap? Adults are no different. Changes are however, a part of life. Changes can be good, though. Changes are often the reason why many people are motivated.

Many people are motivated by changes in their lives. The changes they experience might be small, such as adding a new pet to the family or getting a new hair cut or style. Or, there could be more life-changing experiences such as moving, getting married or having a baby. Some changes can cause serious stress in emotions and people can become resistance to change. There are ways to channel the emotions surrounding a change and become more motivated.

Change can get you motivated to something or change something in your life. By definition, motivation means the mental force that causes change or the reason why a person works towards a goal or accomplishment. It is usually agreed that unsatisfied needs or situations causes people to become motivated. A change that can cause a person to become more motivated to do something that is beneficial is desirable. For example, if you just had your first baby, you may find that this life-changing event is the perfect time to motivate yourself to change careers or to save money so that you can stay at home.

Maybe you get laid off from your job and suddenly find yourself unemployed. This change in your life, while it can be quite stressful and upsetting, can motivate you to change careers or go back to school to further your education. Many people will tell you that they are motivated to do something because there has been some kind of change in their life.

After you have realized that you have the perfect opportunity to change or to get yourself motivated to change, you have seized the moment. If you do not take the time and motivate yourself right away, you might find that your motivation will slip away. It is very important use the opportunity from this change in your life and makes a difference in your life and those around you. Even if you are dealing with small changes in your life, these can still be used to motivate you to make even more changes that will benefit.

Another reason why change can motivate people is because change often causes stress. Stress is very real and some people have a difficult time dealing with the stress. When a person experiences a change in their life, they can be very resistant. Usually, change is coupled with a fear of the unknown or the unexpected.

Every person is different when they deal with change. Those who are easily motivated by change are able to perceive change and channel that energy in a positive way. Those who have difficulty with change are usually not well equipped to deal well with that change in their lives. As a result they may not be motivated at all.

Some people are better equipped to deal with change when they know what to expect out of a situation. For these people, their motivation may come out of learning what changes they will face. One example might be moving. If a person lives in one city all of their life, they may not want to move and resist moving to another area. They might be motivated to research the area where they are moving to so that they can deal better with the change of a new place or city. Because motivation comes in many different forms, change is one way many people will be motivated.

Another type of change that can cause a person to be motivated is when someone is asked to change his or her opinion or point of view about a certain subject. Most people are extremely resistant to changing their thought patterns and onions. When they are asked to do so, some people may immediately shut down. Others that are better equipped to deal with changes may be motivated to look at another point of view more objectively.

Whether you are looking to lose a few pounds, exercise more to get in better shape or to get your house organized, the key to motivation is creating a sense of purpose. Without having a sense of purpose, motivation is difficult. Without a purpose, your goals are not clear and your end result that you are working towards will be harder to reach. Many different things may motivate a person, but the reason why they are motivated is usually because they have some sort of purpose.

Some sort of goals, incentives or even the character of the person is usually what motivates a person to do what he or she does. One person may be motivated, or strive, to get good grades because they need a high GPA, while another person may be motivated to earn high marks because they will get money from a parent. Everybody is motivated by something different. That is the same for any kind of goal. Someone may want to lose weight because their high school reunion is around the corner, while another may want to shed those extra pounds to feel better.

Oftentimes, when a person creates a firm sense of purpose, or a clear reason, the end result is easier to reach.  Clear goals and understanding why you want to motivate yourself can be the easiest way to get motivated to do nearly anything. When you get ready to work on accomplishing a goal and understand your purpose for doing so, it will help you achieve your goal.

Think about what motivates you and then you can easily find ways to help yourself along the way. Make a list of small things that you could use for motivation. These could be rewards or incentives that could range from a new book to a new dress.

There are a few key tips on how creating a sense of purpose can help you motivate yourself. When you do not feel motivated to do something, you can create a sense of purpose by thinking of want you want to achieve. It could be something very small, such as washing your car, or something much bigger, such as buying a new house.

Whatever your idea is, you need to have a clear purpose in mind. Perhaps your purpose for accomplishing this goal is to better yourself, many it will improve the lives of others or maybe it is a way to be more efficient or make more money. Your purpose is an important way to motivate yourself.

Another way to keep your purpose in mind and to keep yourself motivated is to write a list or journal of goals that will help you reach your end result. If you want to exercise more, perhaps keeping a journal of what kind of exercise you do and how long will help you keep a clear picture in your mind.

Your motivation and purpose could be spurred each day by looking at your exercise log. If you are trying to reach a large goal, such as losing twenty pounds, you will start by making small changes each day. These small changes are your goals that will lead you to your successful weight loss.

Rewarding yourself for reaching your small goals along the way is another great motivational tool. After you have thought about your purpose for wanting to do something, think about what you would enjoy as a reward. Often, small rewards can motivate and help make your end goal easier to accomplish.

Having a clear purpose for an end result gives you the clarity you need to become motivated. Without this clarity, motivation is near impossible to achieve. Understanding purpose which means, who, what, where and why of your motivation gives you the key confidence needed to meet your goals.

In addition, without a clear purpose, your motivation will sag when your work becomes difficult. You lose sight of why you are doing whatever it is that you are striving to accomplish. You can easily give up and you no longer have in sight what your end result can or will be. Understanding your goals, your reason for what you are working for all creates a clear sense of purpose. This makes motivating yourself so much easier and will help you reach your mission much faster and easier than without a clear purpose.

What is motivation and why does it work?  That’s a good question and one I will look at in this article.  Motivation is that little push or nudge you need to keep working toward a desired end.  Motivation works in many ways and for nearly any situation.  You can motivate children, adults, employees, and you to reach set goals. 

B.C. Forbes quotes, “History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed.  They won because they refused to be discouraged by their defeats.”  I love that quote, it says to me that others have traveled this road and obstacles are there for anyone.  If you want to get to your final goal, you must be strong enough to work your way around or over them. 

Motivation is often based on emotions.  Motivation is important to all of us because it is involved with all learned responses.  Physical motivation can be hunger, thirst, or anything else that deals with our bodies.  The motivation to walk faster in a driving rain is to get to someplace dry as soon as possible. 

The need to provide for our families is the motivation many men and women have to go to work each day.  The desire to send our children to colleges motivates us to start that savings account and continue to add to it year by year.  Motivation, although often unrecognized is what is the driving force behind all of our actions.

Why does motivation work?  I think most everyone has a desire to be recognized as a valuable human being.  I was a manager for a year, and I can honestly say that you get lots more out of those who are working for you by positive reinforcement than negativity.

Setting little goals and achieving those makes you feel good.  With our children, it may be for the treat that is dangling in front of them.  Eventually, those goals look a little easier if there is something else thrown in.  How hard have you worked to win a game at a shower knowing there was a little gift involved?  One of the tricks of a successful home party salesperson is to be free with giving away little goodies.  Isn’t it funny how we are?

Motivation works well with children.  It helps get them past a hurdle that may seem impossible to them.  With a little incentive to work for that can give them a little extra push to reach that goal they’ve been working toward.  Incentives to help children reach positive goals could be money for A’s on their report card.  A special outing if no disciplinary notes are sent home for one week or that special video game they are wanting. 

With weight loss, it’s amazing what a little motivation will do.  If there is a special event planned for the near future that is an extra incentive to lose weight.  If you want to be a knockout at your high school reunion, then that extra push will help you meet your goal.  Going on a cruise?  That is a huge incentive to lose those love handles.  Spring is on its way and I want to wear those same denim jeans I could wear last year.  That will be a little difficult unless I drop the 10 pounds I gained over the holidays! 

Business uses motivational incentives to increase business production and sales.  Sales work is especially an area where incentives are used to bolster business.  I know of someone who worked hard to win his big screen TV.  My husband once won an all-expense paid trip to Las Vegas.  Incentives are offered to team members in corporations to promote teamwork and a positive encouragement.  Team unity creates happier employees, and happier employees are more productive.  It’s a proven fact, if you like your job, you will be more productive.  A manager’s responsibility is to help employees achieve their goals and goals are more fun to reach for when there is an added incentive tacked on.

So why are motivational incentives so important?  I believe it’s in our human nature to work for something extra.  Motivation will help us past the bumps in the road that stand between our goals and success.